Founded by June Hunt, Hope for the Heart is a biblical caregiving, coaching, and counseling ministry.Through a variety of resources available on the organization website, Hope for the Heart intends to provide biblical hope and practical help for a variety of challenging issues that people face.
- Keys for Living Library, short books with practical guidance
- Lifeline to Hope video-based courses on lay caregiving
- International Christian Coaching Institute (ICCI), an international network of Christian coaches
- Radio Broadcast "Hope in the Night," a call-in counseling program
- Hope Talks weekly podcast
- Downloadable free life guides, searchable by topic
Recommended Audience
clergy and lay leaders, congregational members
Varies per service
Practical Applications
-Provide resources, counseling and caregiving to you, clergy, leadership and your congregation members by utilizing the vast number of resources available through Hope for the Heart
-Participate in the Hope for the Heart Self-Study Course or Group Study Course on Lay Caregiving so that you can be a compassionate supporter of those in your congregation who are providing this important, life-giving service to others.