
How to Select a Professional Resource

Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) Vital Practices, NY


This article equips congregations to select a consultant or outside professional to assist them in reaching their planning goals.


sample questions, steps in managing the selection process, sample questions to evaluate the project and the relationship with the consultant

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders



Practical Applications

  • Initiate the first steps toward selecting a consultant by reading the first two parts of this article with clergy and lay leaders.
  • Evaluate the progress of the project and your congregation's relationship with the consultant using the sample questions in part four.

About the Contributor

Sandra Herron

Sandra Herron is the founding principal and owner of MiddlEdge, Inc., a management consultancy dedicated to helping congregations align their strategy, people, structure, and processes to achieve their vision. She is an experienced adult educator, trainer and facilitator in academic, community, corporate and ministry settings.

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