
Kol Aleph

Aleph: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, PA


This website for The Alliance for Jewish Renewal encourages reform and revitalization of Judaism throughout the world by emphasizing meaningful spiritual practices, reinvigorating Jewish communities, developing leadership, creating scholarly and liturgical resources, and taking stands on social justice and environmental issues.


more than 28 individualized categories to peruse; twelve affiliated Jewish renewal programs; blogs; event gatherings; social networking sites; book reviews

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders



Practical Applications

  • Benefit from browsing this site for its comprehensive approach to Jewish renewal.
  • Embrace a global vision of egalitarian Judaism to cultivate traditional practices such as meditation, chanting, davvenen, and textual study; to develop contemporary meanings for spiritual practice; to develop new paradigms for personal and communal relationship with God; and to forge a new Halachah in which Judaism is conscious of its place in an interconnected world.

About the Contributor

Brian Witwer

Brian Witwer is the retired director of the Center for Congregations' northeast office. Brian has specialized training in leadership and group process.

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