This book tackles questions of church safety and security while wrestling with maintaining an inclusive and welcoming environment. It explores how to talk about issues of church safety and security while remaining true to the message of Christ by being hospitable. This resource challenges churches to continue to have faith in God while preparing for unthinkable security challenges, acknowledging today’s risk management requirements, and providing actionable recommendations that congregations can take to protect those in the worship space.
- Building a safety plan
- Having discussions of fear and faith.
- Assessing your safety plan
- Maintaining a welcoming culture
Recommended Audience
clergy and lay leaders, security teams
Purchase as book, e-book, or audio book
Practical Applications
- Use this book as a conversation starter when you meet with congregational leaders and your safety team to assess the vulnerabilities of your worship space.
- Implement recommendations presented in this book to help your congregation balance the desire for safety with the desire to be welcoming and inclusive.