
Pilgrimage into the Last Third of Life: 7 Gateways to Spiritual Growth

by Jane Marie Thibault, Richard L. Morgan, Upper Room Books, TN, 2012


Written by senior adult experts, this resource points to seven paths to a flourishing old age while drawing from scripture, the authors' experiences, and wisdom from mystics and other spiritual forebearers.


scripture, finding blessings in life, facing aging and death, living with limitations, reflection questions

Recommended Audience

congregants and caregiver


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Start a journey of spiritual growth by using this resource during a seven-week small group study.

About the Contributor

Marie Fleming

Marie Fleming was a contract resource consultant for the Center for Congregations. Her consulting practice includes congregation-based Permaculture Design and equipping congregations for creation care.

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