This online resource supports congregations in developing a safety plan and working to prevent or support victims of gun violence, domestic violence, or hate crimes. A tool from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Prevention Resource Finder values a community-based approach to violence prevention that includes faith-based, health, education, and law-enforcement organizations.
To connect congregations doing this work to resources, Prevention Resource Finder includes tools for finding expert resources and training, grant opportunities, and information-sharing tools. Users can search for resources for a specific purpose, such as youth violence prevention, or a specific audience, such as faith-based organizations.
- Featured resources
- Search and Filter tool
Recommended Audience
safety teams, clergy or lay leaders
Practical Applications
- Share Prevention Resource Finder with program leaders in your congregation to help them identify training, research, or grants to support their ministry.
- Find information and resources that can help your leadership team develop or improve a congregational safety plan.