
Reaching People Under 30 while Keeping People Over 60: Creating Community Across Generations

by Edward H. Hammett, Chalice Press, MO, 2015


This book speaks to the intergenerational gap and offers suggestions for bridging divides using the biblical example of Jesus and Paul, who invited all to participate.


coaching questions, bibliography, online resources list

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Identify trends with the potential to cause conflict between generations by reading Part II of this resource and reflecting on coaching questions in order to address such conflicts.
  • Engage with both young and older generations within your congregation through ministry and worship by following the book's suggestions on how to honor different perspectives in all aspects of congregational life.

About the Contributor

Jan Goodyear

Jan Goodyear is a retired middle school language arts teacher. She retired after 33 years of teaching and has since educated herself on church transformation and applied that knowledge by consulting with churches on visioning, structure, leadership development, and Christian education. 

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