
Sticky Faith Innovation: How Your Compassion, Creativity and Courage Can Support Teenagers' Lasting Faith

by Steven Argue, Caleb Roose Fuller Youth Institute, January 2020


This book offers a step-by-step innovation process that equips youth leaders to serve teenagers’ changing lives.


changing landscape of contemporary teenage life, a step-by-step approach to youth ministry, research findings

Recommended Audience

youth leaders and parent


Purchase as a book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Strengthen your youth ministry by reading, discussing, and implementing with your team.
  • Engage the parents of youth by reading and discussing in a book group.

About the Contributor

Wendy McCormick

Wendy McCormick is the Center for Congregations’ southwest Indiana director. She has an interest in congregational fundraising and stewardship, including planned giving.

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