This book focuses on the seldom-discussed topic of succession in organizations both secular and faith-based. While pointing out that succession is a surefire reality of every organization, it explains theories that are significant in how successors are determined and prepared to take on a new role. It offers practical information about how to create a healthy succession planning process, from discerning appropriate successors to how to make the transition from one leader to another.
- Relay Race, Horse Race, and God Factor Theories
- Effective succession planning
- Practical solutions
Recommended Audience
clergy leaders, trustees/elders, board leaders
Purchase as book, e-book or audio book
Practical Applications
- Read this book and share highlights with your board members as you endeavor to successfully plan for the future leadership of your congregation
- Learn how to select and prepare successors that are right for your congregation by understanding the Relay Race, Horse Race, and God Factor Theories and how they apply to your situation.