
The DNA Of Discipleship

by Phillip R. Meadows, Inspire Movement Publishing , KY, 2021


The heart of discipleship can be described as a Way of Life with four core values, rooted in Jesus's example: seeking growth, using disciplines, sharing fellowship, and engaging in mission. These are the four genes in the DNA of Discipleship. This book explores the genetics of Jesus that the Spirit reproduces in us.


  • Built-in study sessions
  • How to use guide
  • Weekly curriculum

Recommended Audience

Methodist Pastors and lay leaders, Wesleyan tradition, small group leadership, discipleship pastors,


Purchase as book, e-book, or audio book

Practical Applications

  • Use this book for spiritual formation for small groups of adults, leadership boards, or staff development.
  • Adopt this book into your personal devotion routine to dig deeper into self-reflection about how to become a disciple-maker.

About the Contributor

Jane Mastin

Jane Mastin was a past communications coordinator for the Center for Congregations. 

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