
The Little Book of Dialogue for Difficult Subjects: A Practical, Hands-On Guide

by Lisa Schirch, David Campt, Good Books, PA, 2007


This peacebuilding book offers a group dialogue process and conversation skills to build respectful relationships that honor differences.


five part framework to assess dialogue effectiveness, necessary facilitation skills, Mennonite perspective on reconciliation and peacebuilding

Recommended Audience

leaders and groups looking to address conflic


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Help your congregation understand the need for effective dialogue by taking the dialogue assessment together and discussing the results.
  • Learn how to prevent heated conflict by reading this book with your team and practicing the recommended skills.

About the Contributor

Janet Hoover

Janet Hoover is a certified spiritual director in private practice and an American Baptist pastor. She graduated from the University of Indianapolis and earned her MDiv and DMin from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. 

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