
The Voice of Authority: 10 Communication Strategies Every Leader Needs to Know

by Dianna Booher, McGraw Hill Publishing, NY, 2007


A Fortune 500 consultant provides advice on how to communicate responsibly to make others respond with good work and good will.


how to avoid misinformation; examples of what to say, how to say it effectively, and when to say it

Recommended Audience

Christian or Jewish clergy, lay leader


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Achieve more effective communication skills within the congregation by adapting the strategies of business leaders.
  • Learn how to communicate more efficiently through conversations, letters, voicemail, and social media.

About the Contributor

Brian Witwer

Brian Witwer is the retired director of the Center for Congregations' northeast office. Brian has specialized training in leadership and group process.

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