

by Colby Martin, Westminster John Knox Press, KY, 4/19/2022


Unclobber reexamines what the Bible does and does not say about LGBTQ issues in a way that helps readers reconsider outdated and inaccurate assumptions and interpretations.


analysis of Biblical "clobber" passages

Recommended Audience

clergy and lay leaders


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Consider Unclobber's analysis when pastoring to LGBTQ individuals in your congregation.

  • Read with your small group to discover other ways of viewing these frequently-quoted Biblical passages.

About the Contributor

Kelly Minas

Executive Director for Center Evaluation and Funded Programs

Kelly Minas designs and directs evaluation processes for grants, resource consulting, and educational programs at the Center for Congregations. Kelly received an undergraduate degree in American culture from Vassar College, where she was active in interfaith work on campus, and a master’s degree in contemporary sociology from the University of Leicester in England.

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