
What To Do When… A Fight Breaks Out

Dr. Kris Tenny-Brittian, Dr. Bill Tenny-Brittian, Video, 15 Minutes., Church-Talk TV, Mo, 2013


These two video discussions suggest how to avoid congregational conflict and what to do when conflict arises.


discussion handout

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders


Varies per service

Practical Applications

  • Identify the four types of personalities that are likely to create conflict in a congregation and learn strategies to confront each personality type.
  • Minimize the impact of conflict by (1) adopting a Biblical approach to conflict management, (2) developing a congregational covenant and (3) establishing a conflict and reconciliation team.

About the Contributor

Wendy McCormick

Wendy McCormick is the Center for Congregations’ southwest Indiana director. She has an interest in congregational fundraising and stewardship, including planned giving.

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