The book is a complete commentary on the time-tested role of the pastor as a preacher, teacher, and one who attends to the care of souls. The author calls the attention of his fellow pastors to three basic acts--which he sees as the three angles of a triangle--that are so critical to the pastoral ministry that they determine the shape of everything else. The acts of prayer, reading Scripture, and giving spiritual direction, are acts of attention to God in three different contexts: oneself, the community of faith, and another person. Only by being attentive to these three critical acts, says Peterson, can pastors fulfill their prime responsibility of keeping the religious community attentive to God.
A thorough theological (yet accessible) reflection on the work of being a pastor; written from the author's experience; reflection on prayer, scripture, and giving spiritual direction
Recommended Audience
Best for clergy from the protestant tradition, applicable to many contexts
Purchase as a book or e-book
Practical Applications
- Make this book available to your clergy during a sabbatical or renewal program.
- Offer to clergy who are in a vocational discernment phase of their call.