This organization supports congregational leaders in learning how to keep their operations, worshippers, and facilities safe. By offering education through a variety of channels and information on financial resources available to nonprofits, the Worship Security Academy works with with local congregations to create a worry-free worship environment.
- Podcast
- Annual Securing Your Place of Worship online conference
- Information about Navigating the Nonprofit Security Grant Program
- Free downloadable book
- Online security conference
- Webinars covering topics such as threat detection, active shooters and conflict de-escalation
- Weekly church crime report
Recommended Audience
clergy and lay leaders, administrators, safety leaders
Varies per service
Practical Applications
- After browsing the searchable blog postings on the Worship Security Academy site, select a topic important to your situation, such as "Risk Assessment" or "Church Security" and read to learn information that will help you create a workable security plan for your congregation.
- On the "Shop" tab of the website, find a webinar that will increase your security knowledge, or register for a 60 minute 1:1 strategy session to evaluate your congregation's individual needs and address a specific security issue at your location.