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25 Simple Ways to Be Missional in Your Neighborhood
This article describes 25 practical and easily implemented ways for congregations and...
15 Ways to Engage a Young Man's Faith
This article draws from a study and key findings to detail 15 ways congregations can reach...
10 Signals That Say "You Are Not Welcome In This Church"
This article identifies ten negative messages congregations unknowingly send to guests and...
10 Reasons to Consider Purchasing an Existing Building for Your Church Expansion or Relocation...
This article argues that congregations seeking additional space may find their answer in...
Don't Ignore Use of Space When Planning for a Church's Environmental Sustainability
This article helps a congregation incorporate building usage into its environmental...
Why UI/UX Matter for Your Church Website
This article emphasizes the value of websites as an outreach tool for congregations. Author...
Using Social Media to Spread the Gospel in Your Family of Parishes
According to this article, in 2019 Pope Francis said, "If a church community coordinates...
Understanding the Stages of a Nonprofit Capital Campaign
This online article is published by OneCause, a company that supports nonprofit...
The Wholeness Wheel
This article helps congregations understand the Wholeness Wheel, a collection of six...
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