
A Parliamentary Guide for Church Leaders: Silver Anniversary Edition
This guide explains how to efficiently govern assembly gatherings.
"Nones" on the Rise
This research report on the religiously unaffiliated offers a measured view of what's changed,...
The Peacemaking Pastor: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Church Conflict
This scripture-based book offers a Biblical view of peacemaking to help congregations through...
Tools for Rebuilding: 75 Really, Really Practical Ways to Make Your Parish Better
This easy-to-read resource offers tips on how to improve areas of the Roman Catholic Church,...
web resource
Turnaround Churches
This website has a secondary title of "Ideas for Revitalizing Struggling Churches" and focuses...
web resource
Renewing Our Church
This web resource offers an engaging video presentation about how an established but faltering...
Revitalizing African-American Congregations for the Post-Civil Rights Generation
This article argues that the decline of the African American church arises from the...
Liberating Hope: Daring to Renew the Mainline Church
This resource combats the widespread loss of church participants by calling on congregations...
Principled Ministry: A Guidebook for Catholic Church Leaders
Grounded in scripture and tradition, this resource organizes 30 leadership principles into...
Church Mergers
This resource offers 30 questions congregations should consider before undergoing a merger,...
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