
25 Simple Ways to Be Missional in Your Neighborhood
This article describes 25 practical and easily implemented ways for congregations and...
Fuller Youth Institute
This innovative branch of Fuller Theological Seminary provides research-based articles,...
Part-Time Pastor, Full-Time Church
Written by someone with first-hand experience, this book shows how the part-time clergy model...
Right Here, Right Now: Everyday Mission for Everyday People
This series invites readers to seize the possibilities of embracing a comprehensive missional...
Sharing God's House
This concise article provides a helpful guide for congregations considering sharing space with...
365 Ideas for Recruiting, Retaining, Motivating and Rewarding Your Volunteers: A Complete Guide...
This resource shows how to properly recruit, retain, and motivate volunteers, and covers...
Small Church Pastor
This organization provides coaching, consulting, and free online resources for leaders of...
web resource
Church Health Assessment Tool (CHAT)
This survey is designed to be used during times of change, periods of new development, and...
Family Life Centers and Congregations
This article offers insight and guidance to congregations contemplating building a Family Life...
The Other 80 Percent: Turning Your Church's Spectators into Active Participants
This resource draws upon research and survey results to suggest ways for congregations to...
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