More Web Resources

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This free website contains job postings from a variety of ministry positions.
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Clergy Sexual Misconduct: Awareness and Prevention
Baylor University’ s website offers individuals and congregations several resources...
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Center for Stewardship Leaders
This website includes Luther Seminary’ s extensive online database of stewardship...
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empty tomb, inc.
This organization provides strategies for congregations to raise funds for missions. It shares...
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Stewardship Ministry
Offering a variety of studies, interactive lessons, and content for worship, the Lutheran...
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Equipping Leaders: Stewardship
This webpage for stewardship resources offers a steady flow of new reflections, articles, and...
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Chapter 3: Assessing Community Needs and Resources
This web resource helps answer questions about how to better engage your congregation with the...
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Scripture Engagement
The work of Scripture Engagement (available on the Bible Gateway website) comes from Taylor...
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Safe Sanctuaries
This United Methodist online resource has links to articles, webinars, and contact information...
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