294 results for Help


The Season of Creation: A Preaching Commentary
This four-week liturgical will help congregations connect more fundamentally with creation.
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon: Ministering to Returning Combat Veterans
This resource equips congregations with sensitive and informed approaches to military...
Empowering Laity, Engaging Leaders: Tapping the Root for Ministry
This practical resource gives readers helpful approaches and suggestions for engaging laity...
The Church Construction Kit: A Complete Project Guide for Church Building Programs
This practical guide will help your congregation navigate the building process, from the...
web resource
Worship and Visual Arts
Pinterest can help congregations organize and discover a variety of ideas related to art and...
Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness
This resource balances medical information and scriptural insights to help congregations...
Parish Size: Categories, Dynamics, and Issues
This article will help growing congregations identify new needs due to their size and how to...
Engaging Immigration
This downloadable resource is designed to help leaders think strategically and biblically...
Staying in Bounds: Straight Talk on Boundaries for Effective Ministry
This resource offers tools and practical applications for ministry to embrace healthy...
Fallen Pastor: Finding Restoration in a Broken World
Written by a former Southern Baptist pastor who was removed from his congregation after...
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