165 results for Mental


Resilient Church Leaders: Clinical Thoughts
This article helps leaders reflect upon personal mental health and professional limits to care...
CTS Counseling Center
As part of Christian Theological Seminary, this center provides mental health counseling...
web resource
SAMHSA Information for Faith-Based and Community Leaders: Publications and Digital Products
SAMHSA is a wealth of information and practical tools related to Substance Abuse and Mental...
Hope Made Strong
This organization is dedicated to equipping leaders with the mental health resources needed...
Indy Therapy & Counseling
This Indiana-based counseling group, led by a former worship pastor, is equipped to support...
person person
Freddy DeAnda
FreddyDeAnda es un pastor latino, autor, orador y podcaster sobre relaciones, bienestar...
Gateway to Hope (GTH)
This organization educates faith leaders and communities about common mental health and...
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Danae Rodriguez, MS, LMHCA
Danae Rodriguez is an Indianapolis-based Licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate who...
Indiana Rural Health Association: Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives
The Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives program was established by the Indiana Department of...
person person
Dr. Ferney Ramirez
This consultant can help congregations provide programming that supports effective...
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