1769 results for Education And Awareness


Can't Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation
This book provides background and context for why the millennial generation is characterized...
Essential Guide to Youth Ministry Safety
This resource addresses a range of topics to help youth ministers navigate issues of safety,...
National Association of Church Facilities Managers (NACFM)
This organization connects congregational facility managers through discussion groups,...
How Online Giving Helps Fund Ministry
This webinar shares data, trends, and practical strategies to transition to online giving.
Practicing Witness: A Missional Vision of Christian Practices
This concise book offers a history and definition of missional theology, focusing on...
Worship for the Whole People of God: Vital Worship for the 21st Century
This practical guide gives readers a theological background on worship and expands knowledge...
The New Adapters: Shaping Ideas to Fit Your Congregation
This book focuses on a model of church-revitalization that keeps "good news to the poor"...
Quietly Courageous: Leading the Church in a Changing World
This book calls for new leadership skills and non-linear change for congregations to navigate...
Best High-Speed Internet for Rural Areas in 2021
This website reviews satellite internet services and alternatives for rural areas.
Religion in Quarantine: The Future of Religion in a Post-Pandemic World
This e-book shares reflections on how social distancing shapes the spiritual journey and the...
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