1769 results for Education And Awareness


Digital Ecclesiology: A Global Conversation
Reflecting on the rise of online congregational life, this e-book explores theological...
The Aspen Group: Church Design Builder
This architecture firm helps congregations discover, envision, and design space for...
web resource
White Homework
This website provides resources for anyone starting to learn about systemic racism and...
web resource
Emotionally Healthy Discipleship
This website, based on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (EHS) |...
An Early Warning System for Your Team's Stress Level
This article lists practical ways to help your team recognize and manage unhealthy stress.
More Collaboration, Fewer Buildings? Post-COVID
In this article, Jewish communities share practical strategies to refocus resources and...
web resource
This website offers guides to improve evaluation practices like surveys, group activities, and...
Begin Again: James Baldwin's America
This book explores James Baldwin's life and writings while offering tangible applications for...
web resource
Letter from Birmingham Jail
This historic letter from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. discusses nonviolent protest,...
Navigating Pastoral Transitions: A Parish Leader's Guide
This book completes a three-part series on navigating pastoral transitions. This specific...
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