1769 results for Education And Awareness


web resource
The Conversation Project
This resource page helps congregations facilitate end-of-life planning and conversations.
web resource
Five Wishes
This website offers practical kits and guides to help congregations document their medical...
This short documentary highlights end-of-life care and challenging decisions families...
Staffing When You Can't Afford to Staff
This article considers practical ways to have “ volunteer staff” in your...
Susan Woods Nonprofit Solutions
This consulting firm teaches about grant writing, starting a nonprofit, and getting a...
web resource
Pastor Appreciation During Coronavirus
This membership website has sample letters and templates to honor pastors during COVID-19. ...
Interfaith America
This organization offers training and online learning to build interfaith leaders.
web resource
RightNow Media
This digital discipleship hub offers small group curriculum and materials.
National Fund for Sacred Places
This funder provides building grants and technical support for historic worship facilities.
Preserving Black Churches
This national funder helps Black Churches repair historic buildings and tell their stories....
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