1769 results for Education And Awareness


web resource
Spirituality and Practice
This web resource, Spirituality and Practice, was created to celebrate and support the axis of...
To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World
This book examines the complex relationship between culture, identity, belonging, and the role...
Intergenerational Christian Formation: Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community...
This book encourages an intergenerational approach to ministry and explores that idea through...
The Fabulous Reinvention of Sunday School: Transformational Techniques for Reaching and Teaching...
This resource offers practical tools and approaches that will help any children's ministry...
Remembering Well: Rituals for Celebrating Life and Mourning Death
This book uses examples and practical suggestions to provide a guide on planning services...
web resource
Rural Church Network of the United States and Canada
This web resource, by Rural Church Network, provides space for congregational leaders in...
Sabbaticals for Ministers: The Benefits for Pastors and Congregations
This well-researched article makes a clear and compelling case for the ministry sabbatical...
The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
This psychology-based book explores embodiment, the practice of living freely and wholly,...
Congregations' Largest Sources of Concern and Pride
Based on responses from 15,000 congregations in 2020, this document represents what...
web resource
Collaborative On Faith And Disabilities
A collaborative website with many resources collected by the Institute of Theology and...
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