137 results for Building


5 Words Media
This organization helps congregations throughout the United States design or upgrade their...
web resource
Help! I'm Starting a Parking Lot from Scratch!
This blog post provides a list of obstacles to look out for and suggestions to keep in mind...
Black Congregations are Developing Housing on Church Land
This article helps congregations interested in responding to the housing crisis through...
article Updated
10 Tips for Maintaining Historic Churches and Chapels
This article helps congregations who own an older or historic worship space maintain and...
Developing A Digital Discipleship Pathway
This article helps congregations include digital elements in programming that supports...
web resource Updated
Community Integration Toolkit
The Community Integration Toolkit offers informational content and accompanying worksheets...
7 Church TikTok Strategies for Energizing Your Ministry
This video from ReachRight explores TikTok strategies that can help energize your...
Visiting Online Church: A Journey Exploring Effective Digital Christian Community
This book helps congregational leaders discover new ways to effectively reach people online...
Irresistible Church Network (ICN)
The Irresisitible Church Network is a full-service, strategic planning consultant that...
Practical Advice for Keeping Your Church Safe
This article guides congregational leaders through the "three essentials" that enhance...
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