1769 results for Education And Awareness


web resource
Your Church Property: Self-Inspection Checklists for Churches
This article provides a checklist to inspect your congregational facility for safety...
7 Creative Models for Community Ministry
This book outlines seven ministry models to serve a local community, detailing the criteria of...
A Christian Conversation Guide
This guide for open and affirming congregations suggests how to build a safe and inclusive...
Against the Current: The Unexpected Challenges of Multi-Ethnic Ministry
This article contains an interview with the senior pastor of River City Community Church in...
This LGBTQ-affirming organization provides liturgical resources and sermon starters for those...
How to Start a Nonprofit
This article is a comprehensive overview of the steps for creating a successful nonprofit...
Working with Consultants
This guide walks leaders through basic considerations to make before engaging an outside...
web resource
Church Planter Candidate Assessment
This assessment helps potential church planters and their respective organizations identify...
Traditioned Innovation
This short article explains how congregations can achieve transformative change by upholding...
Vital Congregations
This study of leaders across ten faith traditions defines spiritual vitality, reveals which...
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