1769 results for Education And Awareness


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The Sound of the Genuine: Traversing 2020 with Howard Thurman
In this podcast episode, Rev. Otis Moss III connects Howard Thurman's theology and mysticism...
It's Movement Time Again: a sermon by Rev. William Barber II
This masterful lesson preaches the history of racism, public policy, and religion in America,...
6 Ways to Respond When People Disagree with Your Church Reopening Plan
This article provides six ways for leaders to handle conflict and pushback about reopening.
Be the Bridge
Addressing systemic racism within the church, this book facilitates restorative reconciliation...
The Black Church (PBS companion book)
Waving the Banner for Youth Ministry
This podcast episode features youth worker Mark Oestreicher discussing COVID-19 and...
The Social Church: A Theology of Digital Communication
This book provides perspective on social media from the viewpoint of Martin Luther and how...
How to Use Facebook Live: The Ultimate Guide
Written by marketers, this comprehensive article has step-by-step instructions to use Facebook...
Community: The Structure of Belonging
This book provides the process and strategy to build a community in a fragmented world.
In Search of Wisdom: Faith Formation in the Black Church
Composed of eight essays, this resource uses biblical texts, African traditions, and...
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