153 results for Christian


The Honor Summit
This event focuses on supporting and affirming Asian-American women as Christian leaders...
FollowOne International
This organization has been helping churches and Christian families shine God’s light...
World Methodist Evangelism
World Methodist Evangelism is an organization that specializes in resource consulting and...
Pastoring Small Towns: Help and Hope for Those Ministering in Small Places
This book encourages ministry leaders to recognize, understand, and respond to the...
organization Updated
Care for Pastors
Care for Pastors is an organization dedicated to the health and well-being of pastors in...
Intro to Supporting Asylum Seekers: A Toolkit for Congregations
This video provides an overview of Supporting Asylum Seekers: A Toolkit for Congregations....
web resource
Week of Compassion
This website provides resources to help your congregation think about being prepared for...
This organization believes in the restorative power of taking a break. Recognizing that 40%...
Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World: An Interactive Guide to 21 Questions on...
This book offers congregations a guide to navigating the political divide facing the U.S....
web resource
Politically Divided Congregations: A Curriculum for Reconciliation and Transformation
This curriculum helps congregations discuss polarizing social and political issues while...
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