1769 results for Education And Awareness


The Youth Cartel
This organization supports adults who minister to youth by providing youth ministry...
web resource
Church Hospitality Audit
The Hospitality Audit is a free web resource designed by Chris Walker, Presbyterian pastor and...
Exponential Next
This organization promotes innovation among congregations by connecting entrepreneurial clergy...
Youth Leader Training on the Go: Practical Leadership Development for Busy Volunteers
This DVD curriculum allows youth pastors to train volunteers remotely by sending video...
web resource
Audacious Hospitality Toolkit: LGBTQ Educational Resource Module
This toolkit helps synagogues create a more inclusive environment for LGBTQ people.
10 Things I Wish Every Christian Leader Knew About Gay Teens in Their Church
From a traditional marriage perspective, this article has concrete suggestions to relate with...
Construction Cost is Only Part of the Church Project Budget
This straightforward article lists the phases of a building project and highlights costs to...
Books Lay Out Guiding Principles for Small Groups in Parishes
This article highlights statistics on Catholics who have left their faith and provides...
Liturgy for the Closing of a Church
This downloadable liturgy from the United Church of Canada is designed to be the final...
Reaching Out to Singles Assessment Pack
This training pack contains eight stand-alone assessment tools designed to guide conversations...
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