1769 results for Education And Awareness


Canaan Land: A Religious History Of African Americans
Written by a professor at Princeton University, this resource combines narrative, facts, and...
Building a Life-Changing Small Group Ministry: A Strategic Guide for Leading Group Life in Your...
The first book of a series, this resource provides a how-to guide on building and leading...
Twelve Characteristics for Effective 21st Century Ministry
This short article comments on pastoral leadership and highlights 12 leadership skills of...
Discerning God's Will Together: A Spiritual Practice for the Church
This resource explores the step-by-step process of discernment as a way for congregations...
web resource
This job search database allows congregations to post job opportunities and helps candidates...
Starting Right: Thinking Theologically About Youth Ministry
This resource encourages readers to view youth ministry from a practical theology perspective...
The Church Multiplication Training Center
This organization provides training programs for existing congregations to refocus their...
Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI)
This organization provides congregations with legal means for utilizing copyrighted music in...
The Equipping Church Guidebook
This biblically-based guidebook details a vision and strategy for implementing a...
When Not to Build: An Architect's Unconventional Wisdom for the Growing Church
This resource asks congregations to assess their needs and explore alternatives before...
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