574 results for Specialized Ministries


web resource
Spiritual First Aid
This resource hub combines faith and psychology to empower you to care for others from a...
This training program prepares participants to facilitate groups and build stronger, healthier...
Formational Children's Ministry: Shaping Children Using Story, Ritual, and Relationship
This resource presents a new model for how churches can equip children through faith...
Immigration: Tough Questions, Direct Answers
This resource offers a clear and concise overview of U.S. immigration, describing key...
With Science and Scripture, Pastor Fights Vaccine Skepticism
Pastor Terris King shares how he encourages COVID-19 precautions in black communities through...
Religious Giving: For Love of God
This series of essays written from a variety of faith traditions explores the relationship...
The Intergenerational Church: Understanding Congregations from WWII to WWW.COM
Written in three parts, this resource examines the characteristics of five generations while...
Church Health Reader
The quarterly Church Health Reader recognizes the challenge of maintaining spiritual,...
Anchored: A Bible Study for Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss
This book invites parents to grieve in an honest and faith-filled way that anchors them to...
Sticky Faith Innovation: How Your Compassion, Creativity and Courage Can Support Teenagers'...
This book offers a step-by-step innovation process that equips youth leaders to serve...
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