1769 results for Education And Awareness


Vertical Church: What Every Heart Longs For. What Every Church Can Be.
This resource encourages churches to "make the change that changes everything," focusing on...
Reaching Single Adults: An Essential Guide for Ministry
This guide for congregational leaders addresses how to minister to and with single adults.
Church Growth from an African American Perspective
This book analyzes the ingredients for growth, providing congregations with the tools to build...
MultiChurch: Exploring the Future of Multisite
This book explains that the multi-site church model is biblically and theologically faithful,...
White Too Long
This book outlines the history of American Christianity and how it contributes to racial...
Reclaiming the Gospel of Peace: Challenging the Epidemic of Gun Violence
This book published after the Sandy Hook shooting is the result 200 Episcopal bishops...
web resource
Revisionist History: The Lady Vanishes
This Malcolm Gladwell podcast episode shares the dangers of tokenism, especially as...
We Are Called To Be A Movement
This short book describes the power of justice movements and calls faith leaders to action.
web resource
Appreciative Inquiry Commons
This online hub for all things AI explains the positive change framework, offers a wide range...
Atomic Habits: An Easy Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
This book provides a framework to make small changes that add up to big impact over time.
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