1769 results for Education And Awareness


Why the Word 'Millennial' Makes Me Cringe
Author John Green discusses the downside of labeling millennials, especially if you're trying...
Leading Congregations Through Crisis
Using real-life examples, this book offers advice on how to navigate the congregation through...
Caring Ministry: A Contemplative Approach to Pastoral Care
This resource presents a reflective approach to caring ministry, which stems from the author's...
The Field Guide for Small Group Leaders
This resource focuses on the small group leader's responsibility to prepare and lead small...
Intentional Ministry in a Not-So-Mega Church: Becoming a Missional Community
This book argues that churches must move from an internal to an external focus, giving...
International Catholic Stewardship Council Annual Conference
This annual four-day conference is dedicated to advancing Christian stewardship, Catholic...
More Than Enough: Claiming Space for Who You Are (No Matter What They Say)
This memoir of a biracial woman shares the lessons learned as she navigated the business...
web resource
Governance in Small Congregations
This article has advice for small congregations to create a right-sized governance system.
MinistryTech Magazine
Formerly Christian Computing Magazine, this free, monthly e-zine is for church staff and...
Vanco Payment Solutions
This software offers online giving and electronic financial services for organizations...
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