289 results for Public Ministry


American Community Gardening Association
This organization provides online resources and in-person services for food and gardening,...
Blessed Earth: Serving God, Saving the Planet
This organization provides educational resources to equip and inspire congregations in the...
Anathoth Community Garden & Farm
This garden and farm acts as a local community center and offers a space for spiritual growth...
The Inner City Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru)
This organization partners with inner-city churches to develop new disciples while addressing...
Immigration: Tough Questions, Direct Answers
This resource offers a clear and concise overview of U.S. immigration, describing key...
Friendship at the Margins: Discovering Mutuality in Service and Mission
This resource offers congregations various ways to reflect upon and reconsider how they...
Another Day's Journey: Black Churches Confronting the American Crisis
This book outlines forms of political-theological orientation in the Black church. Then the...
Braver Angels
This organization helps Americans seek understanding across red and blue political lines,...
So You Want to Talk About Race
As a first step to address racism, this straightforward book shares the language of racism and...
True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality
This documentary follows a lawyer's journey to condemn the U.S. criminal justice system for...
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