538 results for Resource


Immigration: Tough Questions, Direct Answers
This resource offers a clear and concise overview of U.S. immigration, describing key...
Friendship at the Margins: Discovering Mutuality in Service and Mission
This resource offers congregations various ways to reflect upon and reconsider how they...
The Cry of Tamar: Violence Against Women and the Church's Response
This resource uses the voice of Tamar from 2 Samuel 13 as the grounding force to challenge...
web resource
This website, provided by Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, gives a preview of the best...
The Intergenerational Church: Understanding Congregations from WWII to WWW.COM
Written in three parts, this resource examines the characteristics of five generations while...
Jesus Wept: When Faith & Depression Meet
This resource uses real-life stories to shed light on the harmful assumptions surrounding...
Empty Houses: A Pastoral Approach to Congregational Closures
Written for clergy and lay leaders who are considering closing their doors, this resource...
Singing the Lord's Song in a New Land: Korean American Practices of Faith
This resource reviews a history of the Korean American Church and discusses eight key faith...
But I Don't See You as Asian: Curating Conversations about Race
Written by a third generation Chinese-Filipino and experienced leader of multi-cultural...
Dealing with Dangerous People
This article helps churches identify dangerous behaviors and outlines strategies for keeping...
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