237 results for Spirituality


We Make the Road by Walking: A Year-Long Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation, and...
This devotional book consists of 52 readings designed to be read over a year. It contains...
Praying in the Time of COVID-19: How the World's Largest Mosques Adapted
This article demonstrates how prayer and community life can take new forms during pandemic...
After Doubt
This book leads the reader through a journey of doubt, creating an infrastructure to question...
The Other Half of Church: Christian Community, Brain Science and Overcoming Spiritual Stagnation
Discipleship Pastor Michael Hendricks shares how brain science changed the way he approaches...
Center for Pastoral Excellence at Christian Theological Seminary
This organization offers a variety of programs for congregational leaders, including renewal...
Music That Makes Community
This nonprofit encourages vibrant, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual worship that connects people...
Center for Action and Contemplation
Founded by Fr. Richard Rohr, this organization offers resources for spiritual contemplation,...
Craft an Effective Sermon by Friday
This guide teaches lectio divina and thought organization tools to create a sermon quickly.
Celebrating the Offering
Aimed at congregations seeking to make giving a central and joyful part of worship, this...
Money and Faith: William G. Enright and the Big American Taboo
This article teaches the redemptive link between faith and money, highlighting a philosophy...
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