18 results for African American Church


All Rise: Church Administration
This how-to book gives insight to effectively manage and run a ministry in a Black church.
Strategies for Educating African American Adults
This engaging, challenging, and practical book equips Christians to teach, learn, and prepare...
New Wine, New Wineskins: How African American Congregations Can Reach New Generations
This resource notes the historic role of the African American church and challenges...
Mental Health and the Black Church
This article outlines the plight of the African American church specifically after Covid-19...
Revitalizing African-American Congregations for the Post-Civil Rights Generation
This article argues that the decline of the African American church arises from the...
Mental Health Awareness and the Church
This article helps to identify the root causes of the mental health crisis in America, as...
GIA Publications, Inc.
This organization provides music resources for a number of different types of church music,...
Pathways to Generosity
This article explains the foundations to creating a culture of generosity within a...
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