20 results for Asian American


web resource
COVID-19: Racial Equity and Social Justice Resources
This list of racial equity resources sheds light on disparities and provides tailored COVID-19...
Singing the Lord's Song in a New Land: Korean American Practices of Faith
This resource reviews a history of the Korean American Church and discusses eight key faith...
web resource
Asiamerica Ministries
The mission of the Episcopal denomination’ s Asiamerica Ministries is to strengthen...
Leadership Institute at Union Presbyterian Seminary
This organization provides a variety of leadership development opportunities, including...
web resource
Erasing Shame
This podcast helps congregational leaders understand and explore mental health topics with...
The Honor Summit
This event focuses on supporting and affirming Asian-American women as Christian leaders...
Failing at Assimilation and Finding Abundance
This article shares the personal experience of an Asian American woman as a volunteer in an...
web resource
Stop AAPI Hate
This information hub advances equity, justice, and power by dismantling systemic racism and...
This peace center equips leaders in Korean and Asian-American churches to act toward unity,...
SOLA Network Podcast
This Asian American church podcast provides insight and inspiration for a thriving...
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