79 results for Covid 19


web resource
ReOpening Church: Leading After COVID-19
This go-to staffing resource supports leaders on numerous topics to strategize and live into a...
web resource
Concerning COVID-19
This website provides guidelines for compassionate congregations during a crisis, instructions...
web resource
COVID-19: Racial Equity and Social Justice Resources
This list of racial equity resources sheds light on disparities and provides tailored COVID-19...
Lessons from a Year of Ministry during COVID-19
In this article pastors share hybrid ministry practices they’ ll continue post-pandemic....
Returning to Church: Ministry in the COVID-19 Outbreak
This ecumenical document outlines specific reopening phases with recommendations for worship,...
Praying in the Time of COVID-19: How the World's Largest Mosques Adapted
This article demonstrates how prayer and community life can take new forms during pandemic...
What Now? Creative Tool for COVID-19 Planning
This 3-hour self-facilitated planning process helps teams think creatively to make an action...
web resource
COVID-19 Grief Guide
This informative resource from the Funeral Service Foundation helps people understand and...
Resources for Maintaining Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This article from the Inclusive America Project highlights many faith traditions with links to...
Managing Your Church's Communication During Coronavirus (COVID-19)
This article helps congregations create effective and concise messages during an evolving...
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