41 results for Interview


Human-Centered AI: How Should the Church Engage With Emerging Artificial Intelligence Technologies?
This article features an interview with Father Philip Larrey who has been thinking and...
web resource
Striving Toward Multi-Ethnic Church
This interview with Shirley Hoogstra of Calvin College and Rev. Dr. Geraldo Marti explains...
web resource
You Lost Me: Why Young Christians are Leaving the Church and Rethinking Faith
This web resource provides an interview with the author of a book and ground breaking study...
Before You Hire a Youth Pastor: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding the Right Fit
This book offers how-to information to hire a youth pastor, ranging from sample job...
The Pastoral Search Journey: A Guide to Finding Your Next Pastor
Supplemented by sample surveys, forms, and interview questions, this resource will equip...
web resource
Empathy and Anti Racism
This interview shares life experiences of a Sikh man and how to find shared humanity,...
Michael Slind: Part of an Ongoing Conversation
This interview excerpt with a communications professional discusses the dynamics, content, and...
Mixed Blessing: Embracing the Fullness of Your Multiethnic Identity
This book uses scripture and history to teach about ethnic identity, calling, and diverse...
Predicadores: Hispanic Preaching and Immigrant Identity
This book explores how immigration and culture shape the theology and congregational life of...
The Nature of Adaptive Leadership
This short video describes leadership tools and strategies to address complex challenges.
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