30 results for Lay Worker


Church Music Institute
This organization is dedicated to holistically promoting the health of church music in worship...
Wholeness After Betrayal: Restoring Trust in the Wake of Misconduct
This book will help churches restore inner congregation peace after clergy and lay leader...
Generations Together: Caring, Praying, Learning, Celebrating, & Serving Faithfully
This comprehensive guide helps congregations lay the groundwork for establishing vibrant...
Building a New Church: A Process Manual for Pastors and Lay Leaders
This resource covers a range of broad to specific topics relating to the building or...
Toward the Better Country: Church Closure and Resurrection
This book draws from interviews with clergy and lay leaders from over 40 different churches to...
Empty Houses: A Pastoral Approach to Congregational Closures
Written for clergy and lay leaders who are considering closing their doors, this resource...
Finishing With Grace: A Guide to Selling, Merging, or Closing Your Church
This practical guide will help clergy and lay leaders through the oftentimes stressful process...
web resource
A Parishioner's Guide to Understanding Parish Finances
This document is a tool to evaluate lay people's awareness of congregational finances and...
Priestly Ministry In Multiple Parishes
This resource explores the growing trend of Roman Catholic priests serving multiple parishes,...
Anne Curley: Do the Right Thing
This resource teaches lay leaders how to better handle a crisis and promotes collaboration...
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