51 results for Missional


The Guide to New Church Models
This compilation of essays and interviews looks at seven novel ways that congregations are...
Church Leader's Guide to Immigration
This practical article is formatted around a series of questions and answers for church...
Missional Small Groups: Becoming a Community That Makes a Difference in the World
This resource shows how missional small groups differ from conventional small groups,...
Missional Communities: The Rise of the Post-Congregational Church
This resource explores historical and current models of missional models, noting how they...
Six Characteristics of a Missional Church
This article identifies the foundation of the missional church outlining six characteristics...
Intentional Ministry in a Not-So-Mega Church: Becoming a Missional Community
This book argues that churches must move from an internal to an external focus, giving...
Cultivating Sent Communities: Missional Spiritual Formation
Composed by a variety of contributors, this book examines spiritual formation from the...
MissioRelate: Becoming a Church of Missional Small Groups
This resource looks at the future of small group ministry and offers the missional church...
web resource
Missional Church Network
This website offers resources for congregations engage to the missional church model.
Missional: Joining God in the Neighborhood
This book looks towards the Bible to shed light on the Missional church movement, arguing that...
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