22 results for Multi Culturalism


web resource
Spiritual & Communal Responses to COVID-19
This Facebook group is a forum where multi-faith clergy can share COVID-19 practices and...
The Color of Church: A Biblical and Practical Paradigm for Multiracial Churches
Drawing from the author's experience leading a multi-racial church, this book looks at the...
MultiChurch: Exploring the Future of Multisite
This book explains that the multi-site church model is biblically and theologically faithful,...
Mosaix Global Network
This organization provides resources and membership for congregations interested in...
Preaching To A Multi-Generational Assembly
This resource offers an in-depth exploration of the challenge of preaching to multiple age...
Six Weeks with the Bible: Catholic Perspectives
Written by experienced teachers and biblical experts, this multi-volume series explores the...
The Other Philadelphia Story: How Local Congregations Support Quality of Life in Urban America
Based on multi-faith research, this book highlights the value congregations add to their...
Becoming a Multicultural Church
This book details how one church went from being a traditional congregation to becoming a...
web resource
Striving Toward Multi-Ethnic Church
This interview with Shirley Hoogstra of Calvin College and Rev. Dr. Geraldo Marti explains...
But I Don't See You as Asian: Curating Conversations about Race
Written by a third generation Chinese-Filipino and experienced leader of multi-cultural...
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