17 results for Multi Ethnic


web resource
Different Models for Multicultural Congregations and Ministries
This web resource provides a blog written by author Ryk Van Velden who answers the question,...
Out of Silence: Emerging Themes in Asian American Churches
Based on interviews, research, and surveys, this resource considers three types of Asian...
Music That Makes Community
This nonprofit encourages vibrant, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual worship that connects people...
Vital: Churches Changing Communities and the World
This resource shares the story of how one church in Florida was able to grow into a...
Korean American Churches: From Generation to Generation
This article examines generational differences in the Korean American Church to provide...
Mosaix Global Network
This organization provides resources and membership for congregations interested in...
5 Truths about Diversity in the Church
This brief article focuses on what diversity is, why it happens, and how churches should view...
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