174 results for Practices


Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation
This organization offers a wide variety of programs and resources for individuals who want to...
When One Religion Isn't Enough: The Lives of Spiritually Fluid People
This book describes “ religious multiplicity” - the reality of a person being...
Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective
BEAM provides emotional health care, resources, and healing for Black communities.
Institute for Youth Ministry
This organization trains youth ministry leaders, creates dialogue about the contemporary...
web resource
Enneagram for Wholeness
This media-rich website shares Enneagram insights from Annie Dimond and interactive tools...
The Jewish Lights Spirituality Handbook: A Guide to Understanding, Exploring & Living a Spiritual...
This resource compiles wisdom from 50 Jewish spiritual leaders meant to explore the layers and...
Returning to Church: Ministry in the COVID-19 Outbreak
This ecumenical document outlines specific reopening phases with recommendations for worship,...
Music That Makes Community
This nonprofit encourages vibrant, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual worship that connects people...
ReFocus Ministry
This organization helps faith communities foster intergenerational discipleship, providing...
In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership
This short book provides a framework for Christian leadership from its temptations to...
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