32 results for Recovery


The Facility Management Handbook
This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about managing a facility, ranging...
Change the World: Recovering the Message and Mission of Jesus
This video details the story of how one congregation in Ohio has grown into a vital ministry...
Fresh Hope: Living Well in Spite of a Mental Health Diagnosis
This workbook details a support group model for those diagnosed with bipolar disorder,...
Understanding the Impact of Clergy Sexual Abuse: Betrayal and Recovery
This volume examines clergy sexual abuse from several angles based on a series of...
So You Think You Don't Know One? Addiction and Recovery in Clergy and Congregations
This resource tackles the systemic, spiritual, and communal problems of addictive and...
Church Recovery Guide: Adapt and Thrive After a Crisis
This short book provides advice and steps to lead a congregation through crisis. These...
web resource
Mental Health & The Church
Celebrate Recovery, developed by John Baker, Saddleback Minister of Celebrate Recovery, is now...
Mental Health Grace Alliance
This organization provides support groups, access to affordable recovery care, resources for...
Joining Forces: Empowering Male Survivors to Thrive
Based on his work with male survivors of sexual abuse in addition to his own experiences as a...
Leading Congregations Through Crisis
Using real-life examples, this book offers advice on how to navigate the congregation through...
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