464 results for Resources


LifeKeys Discovery Workbook: Discover Who You Are
This workbook is filled with exercises and reflection questions to help readers discover their...
Church Music Institute
This organization is dedicated to holistically promoting the health of church music in worship...
web resource
This free website contains job postings from a variety of ministry positions.
web resource
Reframe Curriculum
This website offers curriculum options for Christian youth ministry leaders who seek...
Chasing Sacred Air: A Common Sense Guide to Energy Efficiency in Sacred Buildings
This resource helps congregations take the first steps towards becoming more energy efficient...
Church Administration: Creating Efficiency for Effective Ministry
Designed to help pastors and staff members become efficient leaders and administrators, this...
Church HR Network
This organization offers comprehensive HR services and training programs for faith-based...
organization Updated
This organization believes that those who volunteer for causes important to them also more...
web resource
Look Up Indiana: Faith Resources
This is a resource for faith leaders at the intersection of faith and mental health,...
web resource
Human Rights Campaign Faith Resources
This list of resources is a comprehensive web resource designed to ensure that all LGBTQ...
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