27 results for Small Congregation


The Gifts of the Small Church
This book offers a look inside the world of the small church, paying a tribute to the...
Turnaround and Beyond: A Hopeful Future for the Small Membership Church
This book equips congregations with tools to move from maintenance to mission, examining the...
Administration In the Small Membership Church
This book identifies administration and leadership as crucial components for the small church,...
The Challenges of Pastoring a Smaller Membership Church
This article identifies ten challenges that small church pastors might face while offering...
Small Church Pastor
This organization provides coaching, consulting, and free online resources for leaders of...
web resource
Helping Small Churches Thrive
A plethora of information about small churches is available on this website that is maintained...
Crunch Time in Smaller Congregations
This article names and describes six options small congregations can consider when their...
Imagining the Small Church: Celebrating a Simpler Path
Filled with moving stories about the life of a small church, this book offers a candid look...
Smaller Congregations Share Ideas in Quest to Stay Vibrant
This article looks at the efforts of Jewish congregations and judicatories to address the...
Small Is Big! Unleashing the Big Impact of Intentionally Small Churches
This book presents the small house church as a way to achieve ministry as described by Jesus...
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